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Check out our new templates!
Pre-Designed WordPress Block Patterns Library
Unlock creativity with our extensive library of pre-designed WordPress block patterns, compatible with any Gutenberg-supported theme.
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Simplify your WordPress website creation process with ease – just copy and paste!
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Explore creative possibilities with our meticulously pattern library.
World Class UI Design
Enjoy a sleek and contemporary patterns that enhances user experience.
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Design your perfect landing page or website effortlessly. Choose the block patterns you need, copy and paste them into the editor, and you're all set!
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Crafted to Effortlessly Align with Any WordPress Block Theme
Our block patterns are designed to seamlessly integrate with any WordPress theme that supports Gutenberg. Enjoy a hassle-free experience as you effortlessly align your content with your chosen theme, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing website.
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Simple, Elegant, Playful and brutalist, select the style that best matches your vision. Our WordPress Block Patterns make it easy to create a site that feels uniquely yours.
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128+ WordPress Block Patterns and Counting...
WordPress Block Patterns
Heroes, features, stats, footers, CTA, and everything you need to build your websites fast.
Waver - is a modern WordPress theme optimized for Full Site Editing, providing a library of pre-built blocks and layouts to create unique and professional websites.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a specific theme to use those patterns?
No, there's no need to have a specific theme. Our Gutenberg patterns are designed to work seamlessly with any WordPress theme that supports the Gutenberg editor. Whether you're using a default WordPress theme or a block theme, our patterns can enhance your content creation without requiring a special theme.
Can I customize the appearance of the patterns?
Absolutely! Our Gutenberg patterns are highly customizable. You can adjust various settings such as colors, typography, spacing, and more to match your website's design.
Do I need coding skills to use these patterns?
No coding skills are required. Our patterns are designed with a user-friendly interface, making it easy for both beginners and experienced users to create professional-looking content without the need for coding knowledge.
Can I use it for commercial projects?
Yes, both our free and premium patterns are available for commercial use. Review the licensing terms for each pattern to ensure compliance.
Is the lifetime access subscription a one-time payment?
Yes, the Lifetime Access Subscription involves a single, one-time payment. Once the payment is made, you won't be required to pay any recurring fees, providing continuous access to the subscribed product or service.
How do I contact support?
If you need help with our platform or have any other questions, you can contact the Blocklayouts's support team by submitting a support request through the website or by emailing
Do you offer any discounts or promotions?
We may offer discounts or promotions from time to time. To stay up-to-date on the latest deals and special offers, you can sign up for the Blocklayouts's newsletter or follow us on social media.
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Discover a new era of WordPress design at Blocklayout with our intuitive Gutenberg patterns. Elevate your site effortlessly!
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